Wordcamp Paris

Posted by on mai 03, 2008
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I’m currently at Wordcamp Paris, in a wonderful little club called La Cantine. I’ll try to kkep you posted with what’s happening here, just in case at some point in the future there will be something like this in Bucharest.

10:50 I finnaly arrived at La Cantine. It’s pretty well hidden in a small passageway. The organizers had everything ready, from the stickers and badges to the coffee. 🙂

11:10 People are still coming in.. I don’t think we’ll get under way just yet…

11:45 Here we go. It seems this meeting has been in the making for about 2 years. The idea of a barcamp is apparently that everybody talks about what they want, as long as they don’t interrupt the others. 🙂

12:00 Everybody is expressing their expectations from this meeting. It appears that soon the presentations will be chosen and grouped, then there will be a break. The conferences will begin at 14:00 hours.

12:10 The presentations are over, how there is a little organizing going on…

12:25 It’s almost time for a pause 😀 So, unless something changes, I’ll be coverig the following:

  • 14h – Plug-in 101
  • 15h – Open ID
  • 16h – if i’ll still be around, WP & Video or WP & mobile (hard to choose :P)

14:07 The presentation about plug-ins is jut about to start…

14:15 There are 2 main categories of participants: the developers which want to have a technical discussion and the users that want to learn the plug-ins basics. We will begin by telling the latter what a plug-in is, than hopefully finish on a more technical note.

14:30 Until now, there were just discussions about different plug-ins. We’re finally getting to the more techincal stuff. One of the guys here pointed out the difference between the ratings and the performance – a very well rated plug-in could work perfectly for small sites but crash on professional sites.

14:45 Different tips and tricks on how to test the plug-ins…

15:00 This session is now over. Vivement OpenID.

15:15 Wow… the French representative of the OpenID consortium is here. Impressive.

15:17 OpenID = Identity provider (like Yahoo or any WordPress site) + an OpenId Compatible Site. The identity isfragmented.

15:25 Plug-ins used for commenting with openID: wp-openID and wp-yadis. To be my own openID provider: php myID.

15:35 The big identity providers tend to push for openID in order to get personal informations on their user. Or at least so say some of the participants…

15:45 Different openID demos..

That’s about it with Wordcamp for me… See you at the next meeting 🙂

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