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on februarie 24, 2007
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This plug-in allows you to put your link collection in any page or post. It’s very simple to use, all you have to do is insert < !−−slinks−−> in your page or post.
The new version solves some compatibility issues with WordPress 2.1. The plug-in can be downloaded from my site or from the official WordPress repository.
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on februarie 18, 2007
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I have a new (green) layout on the main page. Now all my sites are green 😀 It’s nothing special, but it does seem better than the previous one. I also have some new homeworks (in a new language, Python) and projects. Enjoy!
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on februarie 18, 2007
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Descriere: Tera-10 este în 2007 al şaptelea cel mai puternic calculator din lume
Materie: Structura Sistemelor de Calcul, Informatică
Referat făcut la facultate.
Continue reading…
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on februarie 04, 2007
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I found an interesting project asking for pictures of Romania from your balcony. So, here is my picture (from Crangasi, Bucharest):

Tag: RomaniaDinBalcon
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on februarie 04, 2007
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So, let’s talk about the new OS. Yes, I know, I’m late again. People have been talking about it for la past 4 days. But I preferred to wait for a legal version from MSDNAA.
OK, let’s take it one by one:
- Installation: It takes a little longer than XP, and it’a a lot less clear what the heck it’s doing to my computer. However, one must remember that Vista is almost 4 times larger than XP. So it goes pretty well.
- First impression: I had Vista Enterprise Edition and my first impression was: Gee, I must have switched the DVD’s…That’s a black XP! Actually, there are some differences, like the start menu and the welcome panel, but the default settings were lacking AERO (even if my hardware allowed it) and the Sidebar. I had to look in the help center (which, btw, is pretty good) to see how I could activate them.
- Security: There is clearly too damn much „security” in that OS. Every time I clicked on something in the Control Panel, the screen went dark and there was a popup asking: Are you sure you want to […]? If you have clicked the button, press Yes. Ofcourse I clicked the god damn button! Stop asking me stupid questions! Installing the flash plug-in for IE became an adventure. It actually took 5 minutes, out of which the actual installation was about 5 seconds 🙂
- Looks: Now that’s something that Vista’s good at. AERO has some pretty cool effects (even if I had to dig for them in the help files) and the Sidebar can be pretty useful once you get used to it. The new IE7-like looks for Windows Explorer is also interesting and easy to learn.
- Hardware: Not so good 🙁 Vista wasn’t capabable to see my embedded sound card and the XP driver did not work. So I’m stuck in silence :D, because my MB is too old to hope for a Vista driver. The other harware seemed to be OK, even if I haven’t tried all of the USB gadgets. Another bad point was the fact that Vista alone was eating up 75% of my 512MB memory. I can only dream of actually starting Visual Studio on Vista and still being able to do something on it.
- Crashes: It’s a Windows, I know, but come on… 2 Explorer crashes in half an hour? XP SP2 had given me hope for more.
So, am I gonna keep it? No, because I can’t do anything useful with it (because of the lack of memory), I don’t like all the security warnings and my XP hasn’t crashed in a very, very, very long time 🙂 Why change something that’s working?
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on februarie 02, 2007
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I’ve uploaded some new stuff on the site: two management projects, some OS homeworks and a new article (actually another school project). By the time the exams end, I’ll upload some more homeworks (including a new programming language, Python) and another article.