Wiki Loves Monuments România

Posted by on august 18, 2011
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In the last months I, together with Nicu, have prepared an interesting project aimed to support the development of the Romanian Wikipedia. Now I can finally reveal the result: Wiki Loves Monuments România.

We are part of a European contest that takes place in September in 17 European countries. People are invited to take pictures of heritage sites in Romania and then upload them to Wikimedia Commons or Flickr under the CC-BY-SA-RO license. The 10 winners from Romania will get some prizes, then will go on to fight for the European jackpot (which is still to be unveiled).

So, whether you’re a Wikipedia contributor, a photographer or a monument aficionado, take the picture (or make a movie!) about a monument and upload it!

Update: I also made a presentation about this at the August RLUG meeting. Here are the slides: odp | pdf.

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