I finally did something useful :)

Posted by on septembrie 09, 2006
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I recently found an interesting blog about Bucharest: The Bükreş Blog (Bükreş is the Turkish for Bucharest), and by browsing in the archives, I found a May article about Lacul Morii. Lacul Morii is a lake made in the 80’s to prevent flooding from the river Dâmbovița. For it’s construction, the communist regime decided to destroy a church and move the cemetery of the church. It also happens that the lake is 5 minutes from my appartament, which makes my VERY sensitive to any information I find about it.

One of the comments to the post stated that the cemetery contained victims of the pague (one of the many urban legends of the area). This statement made me quite angry and I decided to set things strait.

So what’s the deal? The deal is that the author decided to publish my comment as a separate post. I guess I finally start to write interesting things 😀

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