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on septembrie 24, 2006
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The publicty on blogs idea seems to have a name now: blogvertising. There are now 50 blogs on the list and growing.
To have an indea of how big (or small) this thing will get, I made a simple program to follow the stats of the registered sites. Only about a third of all sites have the tracker, but it still gives a pretty good idea of how many users are we talking about.
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on septembrie 22, 2006
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Razvan Varabiescu has the excellent idea of a publicity system for the romanian blogs. I strongly support this idea, as it would probably allow to pay for the hosting (and maybe the domains) for my blogs and my website. He wants to gather 300 blogs, so if you’re a blogger and you haven’t signed up yet, hurry up 🙂
Posted by
on septembrie 17, 2006
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In the Romanian second division (Liga II), George Luca, the referee of the game CFR TimiÅŸoara – CSM Râmnicu Vâlcea (1-2) stopped the game in the 50th minute, called the 2 captains and told them he is leaving. Then he left the pitch. He later declared that he did this to protest against the corruption in football.
Cătălin Tolontan, a well known journalist wrote about this on his blog and provoked lots of reactions. Here are the most interesting:
- Most people congratulate the referee and demand the resignations of Mircea Sandu, the chairman of FRF;
- A person claiming he knows Mr. Luca said that he was actually loosing money from refereeing;
- Another person, signing as a well-known criminal, claims that bribes are current if you want to advance in the police;
- Several referees from the small leagues claimed that in Liga II are promoted only the sons of former referees.
We can only hope that this will lead to some major changes in the romanian football and our referees will become as good as our teams.
Posted by
on septembrie 16, 2006
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It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I mean, everybody uses it, right? Riiiiight? Well, not quite 😡
After seeing many discussions like this one on a romanian forum and lots of simple searches made for my friends, I decided to start a campaign that should teach the people that they SHOULD search Google before asking stupid questions.
For now, I only have a messenger status (Use Google before asking stupid questions!) and I try to teach my contacts to stop asking simple (a.k.a. dumb) questions.
If you want to help, just use this status:
Use Google befre asking stupid questions!
In most IM networks this will send the visitors who click on your status to this page. If you have any ideas on how I could develop this campaign, please let me know.
Oh, by the way, even Bart Simpsons supports this campaign!

Image source: Radu Ceuca
Other pictures:

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on septembrie 16, 2006
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When I started this blog, it was supposed to be mainly about me. Well, it still is, but that means I have to write about football 🙂
In the last month I tried to abandon football as I think it’s a game where the players always win (money, that is) and the supporters always lose (health). Easier said than done! I figured out that it doesn’t work this way, so I decided to give up the silly idea and become a supporter again.
So expect more football posts in the coming months.
Posted by
on septembrie 12, 2006
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Yeah, I know, it’s september 🙂 So what? i like to give myself time to choose. I also like to shop online, so I started visiting all the online shops I know.
The first one that caught my eye was I aready knew that fungift had…funny stuff ( 😛 ), but some of the things I found were just crazy: a Santa pen or a wine bottle ornament. Too bad I’m broke… 😀
I’ll be back with more shops tomorrow.
Posted by
on septembrie 09, 2006
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I recently found an interesting blog about Bucharest: The Bükreş Blog (Bükreş is the Turkish for Bucharest), and by browsing in the archives, I found a May article about Lacul Morii. Lacul Morii is a lake made in the 80’s to prevent flooding from the river Dâmbovița. For it’s construction, the communist regime decided to destroy a church and move the cemetery of the church. It also happens that the lake is 5 minutes from my appartament, which makes my VERY sensitive to any information I find about it.
One of the comments to the post stated that the cemetery contained victims of the pague (one of the many urban legends of the area). This statement made me quite angry and I decided to set things strait.
So what’s the deal? The deal is that the author decided to publish my comment as a separate post. I guess I finally start to write interesting things 😀