The Bookshop

Posted by on martie 27, 2006
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Descriere: „The Bookshop” este o nuvelă scrisă de Aldous Huxley
Materie: Engleză
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\Large {Aldous Huxley, enlglish essayst,prosaist and poet was born at $26^{th}$
of July 1894 in Godalming, Surrey.

He started as a poet in 1916 with „The Burning Wheel”. Between 1919 and 1922
he wrote: „Limbo”, „Crome yellow”, his first roman, and „Mortal Coils”

In 1939 he leaves England and he decides to live in California. In 1941 he
published here: „The Gray Eminence” and in 1944 „Time must have a stop”.
After 1950, two more romans appeared under his name: „The Devils of london”
and „The Island”.

„The bookshop” is an essay about life and it’s values. At the beginning, the
author describes the place where the bookshop was located: between a large
emporium and a discreet eating-house.

The owner of the shop is described as a „little man, grizzle-beared and with
eyes very active around the corners of the spectacles that bridged his long

They begin a discussion about how mankind evolved in the past half century,
from reading books to newspapers. They criticized the fact that people become
Philistine. They eventually go into the shop „full of the smell of that fine
dust that clings to the pages of forgotten books–like the dry sand of Asian

The old man offerd to the author a piano score of {\em Robert the Devil”}. To
be more persuasive, he played some songs at an old piano. During the song, the
author had a vision of „fatal demons, the phantasms of horror”.

He was pulled back to the reality by the voice of the old man. He offered the
book for just five shillings. Finally, the author decided to buy the book,
disappointed that all was a business trick.

The author left the bookshop cursing against the materialism that ruled over
the world. He soon understood that he was dominated by the idea of the
triumph of things.In fact, he discovered that the book was very heavy and
decided to let it fall into the bushes.

The final idea of the essay is that „life is hard enough without complicating
the process by thinking about it”.

He returns to the reality discovering that he waisted „five shillings, wich
is serious money in these thin times”.}

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