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Monthly Archives: aprilie 2008
The Good
Banca Transilvania. I received a phishing email which was supposed to be sent by them. I reported the email to their IT department. Based on my previous experiences with Romanian banks, I wasn’t expecting an answer. However, I received not 1, but 2 answers, both in the same day: one from the IT manager and one from the Risk Management Department. GG.
The Bad
The French Embassy in Bucharest. Last year they gave over 100 scholarships for Romanian students (or so they say). This year, only 40 scholarships were offered. I was one of the lucky ones, but it still sucks.
L.E.: As I expected, the information on the embassy website was an exageration. The real number of scholarships is 35 (source: one of the students which study in France with that scholarship).
The Dirty
Yeah, the dirty, not the ugly. And the winners are… the French (again ). They have the life standard to have hot water any time even in the country side and they’re NOT USING IT. I have discussed with other foreigners and they have the same opinion: the French are not washing themselves as much as they should.